
  • Rafika Nurhidayah Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing Pontianak Author


Motivation, second language acquisition


This paper aims to explore the role of motivation in second language acquisition. Motivation is one of the most important factors for learning a second language proficiently.  Motivation is unavoidable linked with language achievement in the sense that it cannot happen without motivation. In short, motivation is used as a concept for explaining the success or failure of a language learner. There are many advantages for knowing other languages but they are not absolutely necessary, and as a consequence, motivation can play an important role in learning second language. And there are many factors that can affect this motivation. 


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How to Cite

THE ROLE OF MOTIVATION IN SECOND LANGUAGE ACQUISITION . (2020). Jurnal Ilmiah Spectral, 6(2), 096-104.