figurative learning, moral interpretation, songAbstract
The qualitative study aims at presenting the results of figurative languages and moral interpretations of A Million Dreams songs. From the analysis, it was indicated that there were eleven types of figurative languages and two moral values interpreted from the song. The details of figurative language analysis are 13 imageries (20,6%), 4 personifications (6,3%), 2 paradoxes (3,7%), 14 symbols 22,22%), 6 idioms (9,52%), 9 hyperboles (14,28%), 8 repetitions (12,69%), 1 simile (1,58%), 1 metaphor (1,58%), 1 assonance (1,58%), and 6 consonances (9,52%). Meanwhile, the moral values were about (1) it was important for young people to have visions for a better future lives; and (2) having companions who could be a place for sharing was valuable. In short, as being comprehended that figurative language and moral values are two educative elements in songs, the researcher expected that the results of this study would bring significance to the target readers.
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